Jen Fontanilla

Money mindset coach

It’s not even just about copy, it’s that I can’t believe how much I finished and actually accomplished from working with you. I am so thankful for saying yes and for being part of it and the community. Thank you SOOOO much for everything.
— Jen

Through Message To Money and in the time since Jen has…

  • Shifted and evolved her positioning from graphic design and financial consultant to a money mindset coach for creative professionals

  • Updated her brand identity, website content, and website copy

  • Wrote, designed, and launched a book

  • Created several lead magnets

  • Built an audience on LinkedIn and increased her presence on Instagram

  • Built and email list and started an email newsletter which sends out weekly

  • Laid the foundation for her course content

  • Landed speaking gigs

What was it like before working with Lisa and how are things different now?

When I first started working with Lisa, I was in this messy, confused space, trying to figure out my direction with money mindset coaching. I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but honestly, it was all jumbled up in my head. I did Copy Camp and thought, "Okay, I’m getting there," but when I found out about the Message to Money program, I knew I needed to dive in. It was a leap, but it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

I’ll be real—it was a chunk of change, but so worth it. Lisa is the Google Doc Queen! She helped me get organized, and that alone was a game changer. The way she structured everything, from our sessions to the resources, made it so much easier to wrap my head around my ideas and actually take action. I love that she’s all about Google Docs and Google Sheets—because, same! Her approach to organization is seriously next level, and that was exactly what I needed.

What I loved about the program was that it wasn’t just one-on-one coaching, but also being part of a group. We had this amazing cohort where everyone was at different stages in their journey. Some people were ahead, some were figuring things out like me, and it was so encouraging to see that we were all in it together, supporting each other.

One of the things that kept me on track was having these big projects to focus on over the course of the program. For example, I had zero web presence—my site was terrible. But with Lisa’s guidance, I tackled that head-on. And in the middle of the program, I even wrote and published a book! These deadlines and projects pushed me to keep moving forward, and before I knew it, I had actual, legit copy that was reviewed and ready to go. No more winging it and hoping for the best.

The confidence I gained from having everything polished and professional was huge. I was proud to put my stuff out there because I knew it was good—it had been through Lisa’s expert eyes, after all. I updated my bios across all my platforms, designed cohesive banners, and finally had a consistent brand that I was excited to show off. And people noticed. My brand started standing out because it looked like I had my act together, and that led to more opportunities and visibility.

Lisa’s coaching style was perfect for me. I’m the kind of person who likes to go into my cave, work on stuff, and then come back for feedback, and she totally got that. We worked in Google Docs, and I loved the Loom videos she used for feedback—so much easier than endless emails. Plus, the 90-day planning sessions were a game changer. I’m talking serious business planning that helped me map out every quarter with intention. It was so much more than just working on my copy—it was about getting my whole business on track.

In short, if you’re thinking about working with Lisa, do it. Don’t let fear hold you back. This program is where you need to start if you’re serious about your business. Forget the other stuff—start here. Lisa’s program is worth every penny, and honestly, she could charge more because what you get out of it is priceless. I’m so grateful I took the leap, and I know you will be too.

I have had such a blast in the program and I have to honestly say, it’s been one of the BEST investments I have ever made when it came to being in a group with coaching calls and support. I can’t tell you how much I have valued being in MTM.

I am happy with the goals that were hit already and just happy with everyone’s support. YOU have been an incredible help with the ENTIRE rebranding and messaging.
— Jen

Sharlet Brennan