How Do You Get Clients? (Like, how do you REALLY get clients?)

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What’s the secret to landing clients?

That, my friend, is an excellent question. 

It’s one that I’ve struggled with myself over the years — and finally, I have a place for you to start!

And, by the way, there’s nothing “secret” about it and certainly no specific strategy that unlocks it all for you like those peddling the 6-Figures Fast Fantasies would like you to believe (so you’ll hasten their own).

Whether you’ve been in business for several years and feel like you’re hitting a plateau or are just starting out…

I bet you’re overthinking it.

...or maybe not “overthinking” per se, rather you probably think you need more than you actually do.

Let me cut to the chase: there are only three things you NEED to get clients.

1. A thick skin

Seriously! Business is hard. You’re going to face rejection many times and in many ways — it’s all part of the experience. Just remember to not take rejection (or ghosting) personally. I know, I know… easier said than done. No matter what, keep showing up. Building a thick skin takes practice, but it does get easier and the sting hurts a lot less. When the big stuff happens to ruffle your feathers, you bounce back more quickly which means the Pity Party lasts 5 minutes instead of 5 hours.

2. Perseverance

I repeat: business is hard. You have to figure things out as you go—nobody has ALL the answers! You will inevitably make mistakes. (That should be the third constant in life: taxes, death, and making mistakes!) The most important part is to keep going and learn from your goofs so you can move and improve. Plus, you owe it to your future greatness to stand in the commitment to yourself today.

3. Messaging

Have a great answer to the big question: What do you do? This answer is the core of your overall messaging. It tells people who you are, who you’re for, and what they’ll get from working with you. This is an essential piece of communication for any business in any industry no matter what you do or who for, whether it’s delivering products, programs or services.

Even if you don’t have all the bells and whistles you think you “should” have as a business owner (a polished website, funnel, lead magnet…), if you’re committed to developing these three things — a thick skin, a stick-with-it attitude, and clear messaging — you’ll find new clients in no time. And not just any clients, but quality clients who will be in it for the long haul.

So how will these wonderfully-perfect-for-you clients magically appear?

Well, there’s nothing magic about it, though I’ll admit that people often show up with the most serendipitous timing and seemingly with no direct correlation to any specific marketing you did.

In practical terms, you’ll start by taking these five steps:

1. Answer these questions:

  • What do you do?

  • Who do you do it for? (Or, who is your ideal client?)

  • What is unique about what/how/why you do what you do?

  • What results do people get from working with you (or what are the possibilities)?

  • How does somebody start working with you? What’s their next step?

Once you have these answers at your disposal, reaching out to new clients (even if it’s a cold-reach) will be ten times easier.

Why is that?

When you have your messaging down, your confidence will skyrocket — and so will the confidence of your ideal clients!  

2. Make a list of 10 friends or family members who you could reach out to about what you’re doing. 

Don’t worry, this isn’t a pitch; just let them know what you’re doing. Ask if they know anyone who could benefit from what you’re offering, and if they’re willing to put you in touch.

This is excellent practice to talk about what you do, how you do it, and what someone could get out of it. Who’s easier to talk to than a good friend?

3. Once you’ve connected with someone, stay in touch! 

Even if that person isn’t ready for your product or service, there could be a day when they are ready to take that plunge. If you’ve stayed in contact, there’s a much higher chance they’ll reach out to you again. You don’t need a newsletter to do this either; just make a habit of messaging them every so often.

4. Keep track of the people you’re staying in contact with. 

This could be as simple as writing down their name, the date, and how you got in touch in a notebook. Or maybe you create an Excel spreadsheet. No matter what system you develop, it will be so helpful to have that list of contacts whenever you need it. Plus having a list will help you remember when to circle back. And the step 4.1 here is: Follow Up. With everyone. No matter if they’ve ghosted you. If you haven’t heard a hard “no,” it means the door is open for a “yes.” And remember what I said about the importance of perseverance?

5. Find a community. 

It’s incredibly difficult to do business in isolation, like literally from the corner of your bedroom with only the unfolded laundry just out of Zoom view to keep you company. Sure, you can try to do business all on your own and all your own way… but over time you’ll become stagnant (and quite possibly stuck in a gloomy bubble, laundry piling ever higher). Participating in a community helps broaden your perspective, keep you on track, and may even inspire you in totally unexpected ways.

I’ve personally found group coaching and mastermind programs to be an excellent place to network as well as find support. When you’re in a group of like-minded people who you enjoy hanging with and genuinely admire, you all rise together. Plus, referrals! Maybe you create your own group of peers who meet two or three times a year, just to discuss what’s going on in your careers. Or maybe you do a quick search of Facebook groups! The forms this step can take are truly endless.

Now, these steps might be simply stated here, but I know you know “simple” doesn’t mean “easy.” There are some tough mindset shifts to make, hard questions to dive into, and some big scary leaps of faith. But two decades into entrepreneurship and going strong, I can tell you unequivocally that these are the key things that matter. These are the character traits and the step-by-step process that withstand the test of time, technology, and trends to grow businesses that bring in good people and money. When you cultivate your ability to stay committed to refining your outreach and messaging and you don’t sweat the small stuff, your business is destined to soar and for as long as you want to fly high.

Have a comment? Or a specific question about what you just read?

Email me—I really will respond. I love getting email from readers, and I’m happy to give you a quick strategy or tip to make sure you’re rocking your message and your marketing feels fun and productive!


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