Fundamental Truths of Entrepreneurship

I’ve been around small businesses my entire life. You name it, my parents probably ran it: a bait-n-tackle shop, a mail order tape business, a sound system rental business, a deli and pizza restaurant, a mini putt-putt course, a tent rental business, a car wash, a fireworks warehouse... and probably a few I’ve forgotten about.

Every one of these are endeavours my parents started up, ran, sold, folded and everything in between. None of them would register as anything substantial by statistical standards, and yet these businesses have supported multiple livelihoods and allowed my family and myself to make meaningful contributions to our communities.

I do believe an inherent part of sustainable entrepreneurship is having a growth mindset, that you are a naturally curious person who likes to problem-solve and learn new things. And you HAVE to be comfortable with some degree of risk and know that failure on many levels in many stages is just a part of it all.

I share all this because whether your business is new or mature, coming back to some of the fundamental truths of entrepreneurship is a way to stay grounded in what really matters and connected to the heart of your work, especially during those times it feels extra hard or overwhelming. 

Here are certain truths about entrepreneurship that I have learned over the years, the kind that have withstood the tests of relationship, pandemics, politics, technical breakthroughs and breakdowns, trends, and of course, time:

  1. A tiny business can remain tiny and still have major impact.

  2. No matter what the business is, it’s always about relationships.

  3. It’ll be hard work and it might take a long time to make things happen, but all that hard work builds character and pays off in more ways than you’d ever first considered.

  4. Keep trying new things so you stay fresh, relevant, interesting, and interested.

  5. Never stop trying (unless it’s time to stop).

I find entrepreneurship an amazing journey to be on, and I wish you joy and success in your own experience.

If any of this resonated with you, please let me know! Send me an email at I’d love to hear from you!

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