Being YOU In Your Business Is How You Earn More Business
I've been reflecting on my journey of self-expression, and I believe it started with skits during summer bible school.
Then it was a couple of dinner theaters with my youth group.
In high school I sang in concert choir and was in the spring musical every year.
Though I was never gonna rock it as an actor or singer for real, I thoroughly enjoyed pretending to be someone else for a bit.
That’s me playing playing Chava in Fiddler on the Roof my high school senior year, almost exactly 30 years ago to this day!
I continued performing except now it was during the early years in business. I was always "buttoned up," acting the über professional daring not to let a bit of my personal life seep through.
I once believed too much of my quirky self showing through the gaps would be off-putting because that's just not how it was done.
In some ways this was true 15-20 years ago, when we were still using land lines and faxing contracts.
There WAS a level of formality in the business world that's since dissipated, hastened by the pandemic.
Thanks BBC Dad and Zoom Cat Lawyer! (If you have no idea to what I refer, google them and have a hearty laugh.)
But long before all that, I'd started practicing playing a new role in my business: being Lisa Mullis.
The gal that says "gal," who wears T-shirts that say "Metaphors Be With You" when delivering a copywriting workshop and puts a at the top of her LinkedIn profile, who isn't afraid to stand down the grift that happens in online business (or stand up for long-winded sentences), who kicks off a client cohort call with guided grounding breaths.
Compared to some colleagues, I don't share a lot of details about my personal life in a public setting like here in email or on social channels, and I wonder if I'm missing opportunities for further connection with potential clients.
But that's okay.
I'm doing me and they're doing them.
You do you.
You don't have to have a theater background or like being on stage or anything at all like that.
You don't even have to let your hair down!
Being YOU in your business is about letting your personality shine, not airing your dirty laundry.
When you show up as your real self, the people you're meant to work with do too.
When you show up as your real self, you can experience more ease, confidence, and engagement.
When you show up as your real self, you stand out in the sea of sameness because there is no else like YOU doing business like YOU do.
Being you in your business is how you earn more business—with great clients who appreciate all that you bring to the table and whom you enjoy serving.
There are many ways you can infuse your communications with all the lovely uniqueness that is you so that you can attract leads, up engagement, and land more deals.
To help you out, I've teamed up with friends and fellow marketing and messaging experts, Ilise Benun and Danielle Hughes, for Profit From Your Personality, a toolkit for attracting and landing clients you’ll love working with. Check it out here.