7 Tips for Lead Magnets That Actually Lead To Paying Clients
by Christina @wocintechchat.com, Unsplash
After more than 16 years in online business, I’m fairly discerning about what strategies work and I’m particularly skeptical about strategies that claim to win you clients fast.
However, having a solid lead magnet (a free resource you offer in exchange for someone’s email address) is something that can work quite well, especially when it’s paired with an email nurture sequence that extends the value of the lead magnet and builds familiarity and trust.
My top performing lead magnet, High-converting Homepage Copy + Layout Template, has brought me people straight from a FB ad (a cold audience) who then booked a paid session or went right into my group program just weeks later.
More importantly—perhaps MOST importantly—these clients have been TERRIFIC to work with!
Getting the opt-in flow dialed in for this lead magnet and the email nurture sequence that’s behind it has taken a bit of trial and error to figure out what works best for attracting and connecting with people who are suitable for me and my services.
What I’ve learned through this optimization process boils down to these 7 key tips which are applicable no matter what type of lead magnet you’re creating or to whom you’re hoping to bring onto your email list:
1. Your lead magnet has to solve a problem, get someone to their next step, and/or help them save them from wasting resources.
People are going to be MUCH more likely to sign up for your freebie if it addresses an issue they’re currently dealing with. Here’s what I mean:
“5 Ways to Recognize If Your Kitchen is Dysfunctional” → kinda stating the obvious to someone who already dislikes how their kitchen is set up; not helpful.
“5 Ways to Fix Your Kitchen Dysfunction” → better!
“5 Ways to Upgrade Your Kitchen Without An Expensive Remodel” → now we're talking!
2. You must have a clear, benefits-laden title and/or subtitle.
I’ve seen high-quality content do diddly-squat as a lead magnet because what it's called sucks. Sometimes it needs an entirely new title and sometimes it’s just a tweak:
“Getting Started Guide to Using G Suite & Zapier to Automate Your Business” → meh, it sounds boring, overwhelming, and unrealistic (I know I’m not going to be able to automate my business with only G Suite and Zapier.)
“Automate 3 Key Business Workflows with G Suite & Zapier” → yes; specific and it kicks off with the benefit.
Titles and subtitles are EVERYTHING! It’s why I created an entire training program around them (Copy Camp).
3. Include a video or picture of your face AND something about you.
People like to know who is behind this great piece of content they’ve just gotten! It’s important for your audience to know more about you; this is a great opportunity to build familiarity and trust.
If your lead magnet happens to be a video series or webinar where you are talking directly to the camera, then you’re covered because people already get to see you in action.
If your lead magnet is a downloadable PDF, at minimum include your headshot and a little blurb about who you are and how you help people.
4. Write a compelling description for your lead magnet.
You have to be able to tell people about your lead magnet wherever you’re offering it. Most definitely it needs a blurb and a few bullet points. You’ll know exactly what to say when asked the ever-looming question, “what’s that?”
(Use my Benefits Burrito method to write great bullet points.)
5. Make accessing it simple and friction-free.
Another place lead magnets die before they get into the hands of your awesome leads is on the opt-in forms and pages. You’ll definitely want to make sure:
A) the sign-up form and/or page communicates why someone would want it (see #4),
B) the fields that are simple and easy to fill (don’t ask for too much info, no tech issues), and
C) it works across devices.
If there are any bumps along the way, you could be losing valuable clients. It’s best to ensure that their journey is as smooth as possible, so they can focus on your fantastic content.
6. Include a call to action.
Okay, so someone got your lead magnet and read/watched/listened. What’s next?
Make it clear how they can get more support from you. Do this in the lead magnet itself AND in the nurture sequence which leads me to my last top tip…
7. Your lead magnet needs a nurture sequence!
What’s the point of all that work you’ve done to come up with a high-quality resource, catchy title and description, and friction-free sign up process if you never “speak” to this lovely new person who's just agreed to be on your email list?
So be sure to reach out via email, of course! (Which can be done manually or automatically via personal email or using email marketing software.)
I have much more I can say on this point alone but for now, AT MINIMUM send a welcome email that includes a link to where someone can access the lead magnet they signed up for.
When you do #1-7 well, you absolutely can attract paying clients to your email list and authentically, naturally have a way to build relationships. It doesn’t matter what type of lead magnet you have, what market you’re operating, or whether your email list is big or small. At the end of the day having a great lead magnet is a way to gather a group of high-quality people with whom you’d like to work and who’d like to work with you.
We’re going to cover tips #1-7 in detail with *live* support in my upcoming masterclass series Lead Magnet Launch which starts March 1, 2022.
Get your lead magnet STARTED (with a clear plan for finishing), FINISHED, or OPTIMIZED so you have a high-converting freebie that helps you build a quality list (big or small) of people you’d love to work with and who’re ready to work with you.
Lead Magnet Launch runs March 1-25, and includes:
4 LIVE masterclasses (and recordings for replay)
Tuesdays in March @ 5pm ET
4 LIVE Q&A sessions (and recordings for replay)
Thursdays in March @ 12pm ET
Pop-up online group (not on Facebook) for extra touchpoints and help from your peers
Lead Magnet Blueprint (my guide to what components to build when for maximum efficiency)
Templates and swipe files for copy and layout for everything
If you’re ready to take your freebies to the next level and really settle into a funnel that works for you, check out all the details of Lead Magnet Launch here.
Have a comment? Or a specific question about what you just read?
Email me—I really will respond. I love getting email from readers, and I’m happy to give you a quick strategy or tip to make sure you’re rocking your message and your marketing feels fun and productive!