Gail Gonzales
branding and marketing messaging specialist
“Before the program, I wasn’t able to decide on a target market. After the program, I was finally able to create simple statements explaining what I do to put on my website. I learned the structure of a good bio and I have a good basis for elements I will use on my site!”
Personal Growth
Every time that I’ve quoted my work in the last three months, I think to myself, “Keep at it okay? Really feel it in your gut. Feel it in your heart. Do I need to add more money? Yes.” And then I get done with everything and I ask myself again, “Do I need to add more money? Yes.” I learned how to charge more and not and not be afraid to say “This is my price.”
Group Support/Feedback
I love hearing about what everyone is doing — it's such a smart group! The hot seat advice has been very helpful.
Clarity of Brand/Messaging
Before the program, I wasn't able to decide on a target market. After the program, I was finally able to create simple statements explaining what I do to put on my website. I learned the structure of a good bio and I have a good basis for elements I will use on my site!